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Books Bring Artful Discoveries

Cultivate your children’s creativity with these stories about the arts. Picture Books “Norman’s First Day at Dino Day Care” written and illustrated by Sean Julian It’s Norman’s...

DIY Valentine’s Day Heart Garland

I feel strongly that crafting and creating is a win-win for parents and children. If there’s one thing that I learned from being a mom...

How to Have a Heart Healthy Diet

February is American Heart Month. Now is a great time to think about your child’s cardiovascular health. Eating a well-rounded diet, is one important...

Conversation Bath Bombs

Spread The Love With These Easy-To-Make Valentines This Valentine’s Day, you could give your kids a traditional box of tiny cards to pass out to...

Looking for a Mentor? Look to Summer Camp

January is National Mentor Month. This month offers a great time to celebrate the positive relationships that are vital to a child's development and...

7 Advantages of Sending Your Teen to Summer Camp

We often associate summer camp with young children, but as kids grow up, we may forget that they need some of the same experiences...

Mental Health Care for New Moms

Recognizing and treating postpartum mood or anxiety disorders Becoming a mother can be the most magical of times in a woman’s life. It can also...

So Your Teen Wants to be a CIT This Summer

They'll learn leadership skills and so much more as a counselor-in-training at camp While most of his friends will be traveling or playing video games...

Keep That Dental Appointment

Letting your kids skip a shower or allowing them to wear the same clothes two or more days straight are hygiene practices that usually...