
Mentors Matter

Can you make an extraordinary commitment to a child? What can you do to positively impact the lives of youth in Frederick County? This January,...

We’re Loving These 7 New Products for Kids and Parents This Winter

Power Treads Get set for all-surface vehicles that flip, rip and roam all around. Create your own custom course using the modular track set. Level...

All the Feels: Helping Children Identify and Manage Their Tough Emotions

We’ve all been there. Your 3-year-old has a meltdown in the middle of the grocery checkout line or you become beyond exasperated when your...

Maintain the Joy of the Season and Overcome the Post-Holiday Blues

Each year, the holiday season brings with it a lot of excitement, activities and social gatherings. We often make a special effort to decorate...

Tips to Clear the Clutter

If getting your home organized is on your list of projects to accomplish in the new year, the following five tips can help you...

Report Says Kids Spend More Time Watching Online Videos Than Doing Any Other Activity...

When children flip open their computers or pick up mobile devices, they spend more time watching online videos than doing any other activity on...

Ain’t Misbehavin’: Is Stimming a Behavior or Sensory Issue?

People with autism spectrum disorder, as defined by the National Institute of Mental Health, can have “difficulty with social communication and interaction, restricted interests...
virtual cupcake baking class

Virtual Cooking Classes Yield Fun (and Tasty!) Family Time

When my 10-year-old daughter is allowed to have television time, we have found her watching cooking shows many times during the coronavirus lockdown. “Cake...

Tips to Get Children to Take Their Medicine

Some kids need to take medicine daily. Others have to take it when they are not feeling well. What can you do with a...
10 Halloween Books for Kids

10 Halloween Books for Kids

Looking for children's books to read on Halloween? These tricky tales are just right for this spooky month! Board Books ‘10 Trick or Treaters’ By Janet Schulman In...